Thursday, April 29, 2010

I believe that politics are corrupt. They have always been corrupt and will always be corrupt. They are and always will be about power and wealth. I believe that in the United States we have the advantage of using our State governments to help to control the power and corruption. When each State takes care of it's own, the people of that state have a better chance of controlling the amount of corruption. So limiting the power of the Federal Government and returning those powers that belong to the States to the States (as it was in the beginning) is the way out.

According to the Constitution, the Feds have no business in Medical Care, Housing, Education, or Children and Families (to name but a few of the Federal Departments who interfere in the States' business.)

The difference between this Administration and previous Administrations is that previous Administrations were corrupt but listened to the will of the people. This Administration is corrupt, ignores the will of the people and makes moves toward increasing opportunities for bigger and better corruption.

That is my take on it. I welcome your comments.